Leadership Circle is the body of members with planning and policy oversight. It is made up of at least 10 members or associate members.
The congregation elects the following Leadership Circle members:
1. Moderator; presides at congregational and Leadership Circle meetings
2. Moderator-elect; advises and succeeds moderator for two-year term
3. Treasurer; keeps an accurate record of congregation’s finances, issues checks in payment of legitimate expenses of the congregation, presents regular financial statement to Leadership Circle and a financial report at least annually to the congregation.
4. Recorder; keeps an accurate and complete record of Leadership Circle and congregational meetings.
5. Deacons—3 persons
6. Stewardship Ministry leader
7. Christian Formation Ministry leader
8. Connection Ministry leader
Ministry Circles
Ministry Circles are networks of ministries, groups, and roles represented by a ministry leader and meeting together as needed throughout the year. Ministry Circle leaders regularly update the list of groups and roles that support the ministries associated with a circle. The three ministry circles include the following:
Stewardship Ministry Circle. The Stewardship Ministry Circle is responsible for resourcing the congregation with gifts discovery, financial oversight, facility management, and staff relations.
The Connection Ministry Circle is responsible for mission work, peacemaking, service activity, Christian fellowship and hospitality, community learning and engagement, conference and denominational participation, and ecumenical partnerships.
The Christian Formation Circle is responsible for worship planning and leading, congregational singing and music, choir programs, Christian education for all ages, youth ministry, mentoring, catechism, and the library.